Sunday, June 17, 2007

The first weekend

The first picture is of the actors on Bloomsday. The second is of Bailey's headquarters.

Well, I can't figure out how to open the washing machine, which has my clothes in it. The door mechanism is harder than it looks. But other than that, I'm fine. Some friends and I went to the James Joyce Festival, otherwise known as Bloomsday, yesterday. There were actors reading from Ulysses, Joycian music, and overall fun. We also went downtown and saw the shopping area, where they have two main shopping streets that are cobblestone and always blocked off from traffic, kind of like a reserved pedestrian shopping area. We could walk in the street without having to worry. So we basically window shopped, as we were still not use to the area. In the middle of the day, I fell asleep in a cafe when we stopped for coffee, as I do not remember an hour of the day. So I must have been unconscious. Damn this jetlag.

Trinity University is very nice here and very beautiful. I wish my campus was like that. I finished my first writing assignment, that restricted dialogue, which was really hard for me, but I know it's to work on the non-dialogue aspect to a story. Now I am going to finish reading the Joyce required reading. I went food shopping last night, and due to my bargain shopping knowledge taught to me by Mommy, I bought quite a few ammenities for only 29 Euro. Not bad for a full basket of food. They had turkey ham, so I bought that for deli, and they had new Activia, which has muesli and other yummy concoctions with its yogurt now. The store bought sushi for dinner was cheap and very yummy, which was pre-packaged from the famous sushi restaurant here, AYA.

One interesting thing here, that doesn't have to do with food, is that it is cheaper to text-message than to actually call someone. You get charged for every call, even if it's local. Although in-coming calls are free. I haven't used my phone except for the alarm on it, but that was interesting to know. Anyway, I have to go read some more Joyce. Tonight is cheap, fresh mussels night, and tomorrow we see The Crucible, wihch isn't Irish, but oh well. Check in for more later!
P.S. And edited version: to placate Mom: I did have for my first meal, salmon and potato cakes (similar to crab cakes) at a pub that were really delicious.


Bette Siegel said...

Hannie -
Remember that sushi is Japanese and you're in Ireland. Even though it's one of those food items that you can easily digest, indulge in Irish food. That's why you're there ;-)

Hannah said...

yeah but irish food, and in general, european food, is expensive, which means i can't go out that much and they don't have irish takeout at the supermarket that doesn't have a lot of cheese or ham in it.